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Emotional Commitment

I welcome July 27th, 2018 with a clear head and laser focus. In the last week I really understood what emotional commitment was. It took me really seeing the lack thereof in my life, but not from someone else - from me. I noticed that it's so easy to emotionally commit to other people or things, but rarely do I make an emotional commitment to myself. It took me getting confronted with my own standards for myself and what I really wanted in my life, and what I was willing to accept, carry out and uphold.

For a moment, I thought about going back to bed. It was 4:30 am and I would normally do that. It was a standard that I had set for myself over the years. Snooze, snooze, snooze. I would loose the "battle of the bed" often, but this morning was different. When I would think back to when I had the most success in my physical state, I was up early, teaching a spin class or running a 10k. I was up early and I was committed to my health and the results showed. Slowly over life I got tired, and I stopped making the commitment to myself to start my day right and focus on me and my states. My state of mind, physical state, emotional state and spiritual state would always feel full on those morning that I committed to myself, and slowly over life they dissipated. They also dissipated as I lowered my standards. I could blame that I was so focused on others that I was to exhausted for myself, or that I was tired from training for marathons, or just coming up with any excuse I could make to justify not committing to myself and loving myself enough to start my own day by getting in a good state.

I realized that if I was to give myself the level of commitment that I can give to others, that my life would change immensely and immediately in all areas. I made a decision that before I make an emotional commitment to anyone, I first wanted to make it to myself. I woke up this morning and saw the beautiful moon go down, and was rewarded watching the promise of a new day rise up. I saw the sun come up over beautiful Niagara vineyards, and over a beautiful farm with life already stirring and a cool breeze taking away my old standards and thoughts and emotions that were not serving me.

I took my bike out early and biked harder and more focused than I have before. I would sometimes take my rage out on my workouts, or fears or blames out during those times. At one point in my life when I was running the most was also a time when it felt I was always working out my frustrations that life wasn't where I wanted it to be, or working through my disappointments. Most of these disappointments were related to emotional commitments or lack thereof from others in my life. I couldn't see at the time that I needed to love myself enough to set a better standard for myself. Not just to set a standard, but to hold it. No wonder working out became so exhausting -- it wasn't fun anymore.

This morning wasn't about anything other than the standards I set for myself on the daily, to get clear on where my focus is, getting clear on where I can be of service and getting myself into a great state for the day. It's no wonder my workout was different this morning. This wasn't just exercising to exercise, this was moving my body and my energy and committing to myself to get into a great state for the day, and to get clear on where my focus is going. I encourage you to commit to yourself.

Never settle for less than you can be. Never settle for less than you can give, and never settle for less than you can share. I encourage those who are undergoing their own transformations and may be feeling that they are in a dark place, but each time you have a breakthrough in your transformation you get stronger. Keep transforming yourself, keep growing, and hold your standards high because you are worth it!

Wishing you all the love in the world, prosperity, and hope you may need to carry on in this beautiful wonderful life with passion and love for you <3


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